Planning permission has been granted for a new house in the countryside, as an exception to the normal policies of restraint in such areas. The project raised complex issues of trees, drainage, ecology, as well as the policy issues due to the location.
Client: private client
We have obtained planning permission for a dramatic new house in the Cotswold countryside, consisting of renovating a much altered traditional house to create a new family home with extensive additional living accommodation. The property lies in a wooded valley, where there were issues of ecology, landscape, trees and drainage to address. Permission was granted under delegated powers with no objections.
Client: private householder A small project, but complex given the background to the case. We obtained a Certificate of Lawfulness for works to a house in the Green Belt, Buckinghamshire, which followed a series of refused planning applications at the house. The client wished to extend and alter the property and we advised on ways to secure this through the permitted development route, and so avoid the need to apply for planning permission again.
Client: private householder We were asked to provide advice on town planning and heritage matters relating to extensive works at a country estate in the Cotswolds, Oxfordshire. The estate comprises a main house and a complex of various buildings for staff and other uses, as well as associated land. It had been newly purchased and the owner wanted to refurbish, modernise and extend various buildings. In consultation with the project architect and professional team, we provided advice and reports on the works. Listed building consent was granted by the Council under delegated powers.
Client: private householder We have recently achieved full planning permission for a new detached house on a greenfield site within the Green Belt. Tight restrictions exist for any new buildings in the Green Belt, and securing a new house on an undeveloped site is always difficult. We demonstrated that the proposal would accord with all aspects of Green Belt policy, and other relevant matters, and the application was approved under delegated powers.
Client: private client We have obtained planning permission for a 'natural' swimming pool in the grounds of a house in Oxfordshire. These pools make use of natural features and planting to appear as a pond, but in fact are a full swimming pool for the house. Our client's property is in a conservation area and within the countryside, so this was a suitable solution for the property, but still needed to be argued why planning permission should be granted.
Client: private householder We have been involved for a number of years in the preparation of the new South Oxfordshire District Local Plan, making representations on behalf of a number of clients opposing development. The Plan has proved to be highly controversial in relation to housing allocations, and we have advised our clients in detail behind the scenes and made appearances at meetings over the years. We recently appeared at the virtual sessions for the Examination of the Local Plan, which is the first full virtual Hearing in the country.
Client: private individuals and Haseley Brook Action Group Planning permission was obtained some years ago for the replacement of an existing house in the Green Belt for a larger property. We advised the landowner regarding a series of amendments to that permission which obtained a larger house, including a basement and sunken patio area. This can be a difficult area of planning policy due to previous case law on what is allowed in Green Belt replacement schemes: court cases that we have been involved in over many years. Our advice led to planning permission for the scheme in this new case being granted under delegated powers.
Client: private developer We were recently involved in regularising a breach of planning control at a property in the Green Belt. Planning permission had been granted for a replacement house with a planning condition removing permitted development rights. However, an extension had been built at the property. We managed to achieve a Certificate of Lawfulness that secures the permanent retention of that extension.
Client: private householder We were excited to be on site recently to help with last issues concerning the erection of a new house in the countryside in Berkshire. We have been involved in this project over many years and secured various permissions through applications, certificates of lawfulness and appeals. The work is nearing completion for this striking modern house, to be a family home for our long-standing clients.
Client: private householder |
September 2024
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2012 and 2011 |