The Government has relaxed many permitted development rights over recent years. One that has been popular with developers, but often less popular with local planning authorities, is the change of use of office space to flats. The permitted development route still requires a prior approval application to be made, which needs robust evidence to demonstrate that the change can occur. We coordinated a professional team to address transport, highways, parking, noise, contamination, flooding and internal layout at a scheme for conversion in the LB Richmond: a local authority with a reputation for resisting permitted development. The prior approval application for 12 flats was approved.
Client: private property owner
The owner and occupier of a large commercial warehouse building on an industrial estate in Surrey asked us to advise in how to maximise the use of their site, following a change to their business model with more online activities rather than face-to-face transactions. We devised a strategy and series of planning applications to split the premises into smaller units and secure new flexible uses within those premises, with rearranged parking and servicing provision. The submissions were approved by the Council under delegated powers.
Client: commercial occupier A successful small scheme for our long-standing clients of the Grosvenor Estate: the replacement of a shopfront in a listed building to provide a new shopfront of traditional design. We appraised the building and wider area, and advised on the design of the works to secure the consent under delegated powers.
Client: Grosvenor Estate |
July 2024
See the old blog site for more work from
2012 and 2011 |