We were pleased to see completion on a project for which we were involved a number of years ago, to extend a corner site in Belgravia through a mansard roof extension, as well as works to the rear, the ground floor and basement of this listed building. The scheme involved extensive research into planning policy and the history of the building, and approval was granted by the local planning authority.
Client: Grosvenor Estate
Over the years we have been involved in a number of properties in Lyall Mews, and many other of the mews streets in Belgravia. We recently advised in relation to changes that are to be undertaken at two mews houses. Applications for alterations to the properties were approved under delegated powers.
Client: private company After a long process, and patient client, we are please to have achieved a large extension to a client's house in rural Berkshire. The Council had objected on Green Belt policy grounds, but we fundamentally disagreed with their interpretation of policy. The case went to appeal and a detailed justification made as to why the proposed extension would be compliant with policies. The Inspector agreed and permission was granted.
Client: private householder Work has been completed in upgrading and improving a listed former factory building in North Row, Mayfair. We undertook an assessment of the property and neighbours to provide advice in how the building might be adapted and extended to provide new users. The building is now occupied.
Client: Grosvenor Estate |
September 2024
See the old blog site for more work from
2012 and 2011 |