We were very pleased to achieve consent for extensive works to a prominent listed house fronting Charterhouse Square, in the Smithfields area of London. The work involves a new roof addition, roof terrace, contemporary rear extension and significant internal works. This followed a comprehensive assessment of the building and its history and long discussions with the Council, who had to be persuaded through careful negotiations as to the merits of our case. The application was approved under delegated powers.
Client: private householder
Basements in Kensington & Chelsea have long been a hot issue in the Borough, and we were involved in some of the earliest, setting a number of appeal precedents that led to the evolution of the Borough's strict policies over the years.
We have achieved a two storey basement extension for a house in a conservation area at appeal which, so the Council considered, was not consistent with their policies. We successfully demonstrated to the Inspector what the wording and objectives of those policies actually meant and permission was granted for a size and layout to the basement, and landscaped areas, that the client wished to implement, rather than the Council's preferred scheme. Client: private householder Planning permission had been refused for a new barn on Green Belt land at Pirbright, near Guildford. We were asked to appeal against the decision and presented a case that had to deal with agricultural need, listed buildings and design. The appeal was held by way of a Hearing and was won, with costs awarded against the Council.
Client: Private We were involved in the creation of a new commercial unit in Mayfair, close to Grosvenor Square, formed through the change of use of redundant premises. We undertook investigation of the historic use of the building and the area and presented the case for works to the property and introduction of the commercial activities.
Client: Grosvenor Estate |
September 2024
See the old blog site for more work from
2012 and 2011 |