After a long-running series of planning applications, applications for Certificate of Lawfulness, enforcement notices and four conjoined appeals heard at an Inquiry, we managed to have enforcement notices quashed for two properties near Ascot where the gardens had extended into Green Belt land. The cases raised complex issues of law and policy, and we were pleased that the patience of our clients held out to get the result they desired.
Client: private householders
Planning permission has been granted under delegated powers for the redevelopment of a redundant garage and house on the edge of a village in Berkshire, south of Windsor. The scheme will see detached and semi-detached houses replacing an unattractive and redundant site, and the case involved presenting information relating to past uses and the issue of the Green Belt.
Client: Zion Properties Ltd We were asked by an architect to help advise in relation to a property where there was a long planning history of applications, refusals and appeals. The clients wanted to achieve new ancillary buildings for their house, and better stabling for their equestrian land to replace ageing stables. The Green Belt policy and the past planning history were difficulties for the site. We prepared advice and submitted a planning application, which was approved under delegated powers by the local authority.
Client: private householder A small project, but potentially tricky - conversion of a garage serving a large house within the Chilterns AONB, near Henley-on-Thames. The case involved investigation of the planning history of the property and presenting a case to demonstrate that the additional living accommodation would not be a self-contained house in the countryside, but would provide for the needs of the owners of the house and their desire for staff rooms.
Client: private householder |
September 2024
See the old blog site for more work from
2012 and 2011 |