We were asked by an architect to help advise in relation to a property where there was a long planning history of applications, refusals and appeals. The clients wanted to achieve new ancillary buildings for their house, and better stabling for their equestrian land to replace ageing stables. The Green Belt policy and the past planning history were difficulties for the site. We prepared advice and submitted a planning application, which was approved under delegated powers by the local authority.
Client: private householder
Planning permission had been refused for a new barn on Green Belt land at Pirbright, near Guildford. We were asked to appeal against the decision and presented a case that had to deal with agricultural need, listed buildings and design. The appeal was held by way of a Hearing and was won, with costs awarded against the Council.
Client: Private A client owned land in the Green Belt near Windsor which was being used for private allotments, being rented out to paying members of the public. With a shortage of allotment land in the south of England, this is a productive and profitable use for an un-economic small parcel of agricultural land, and was also much appreciated by local residents to grow their own food. However, the Council didn't see it that way and threatened enforcement action. It was demonstrated there was no breach of planning regulations, and no material harm that would justify such action, and the Council did not pursue the matter further.
Client: private company |
July 2024
See the old blog site for more work from
2012 and 2011 |